Hello all you wonderful human beings (and terrifying AI bots)!
I know it’s been forever since my last update, but between the holidays and life, plus hunting down two particularly frustrating bugs, it took much longer than I expected to get this update live. Today’s updates (build 0.076) are listed below:
-New Tutorial Level! (you can skip it by clicking SKIP in the intro animation)
-Updated Dialog with Tag in Pearly_Gates
-Two new TOP SECRET levels!
-Revamped Rat and Bird behavior (this was a total re-write, so any bugs reported are very much appreciated!)
-Fixed a Major Collision Bug that might have frustrated players previously (sorry about that!). If you ever remember hitting something you couldn’t see… that was probably this bug. It should be properly fixed now. But if you have any issues with strange collisions just let me know where and I will take a look into it.
Play the newest build by clicking this link.
Give your honest feedback at this form. There’s probably bugs, so let us know!
Thank you all!!!
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